Milking Machine

Since 25 years of my hard work towards the agriculture machinery implements innovations, I deeply interacted, analyzed and studied the problems faced by farmers in normal practice of Indian agriculture system. To provide the suitable solution to the problems, I have successfully invented and modified tilling technology in agricultural system.

By using this machine farmer can easily maintain their agriculture land without more labours and save their time. Using this machine farmer can do the work of ploughing, bound making intercultivation in row crops, deweeding the land and more operations.

Maruthi Krushi Udyog started in the year 2001 and dedicated to contribute engineering technology in the field of agriculture to make farmer more comfortable, easy to perform better in their daily work and achieve the more productivity

Description Model Name: MPIC 63003
Engine power 5 HP, DIESEL ENGINE, 4 STROK, 3.7 Kw, 211 CC
Engine RPM 3000 RPM
Tank capacity 2.5 liters
Engine cooling system Air cool
Fuel consumption 3 hrs per 1 liter diesel
Air filter type Oil both Oil both
Engine oil 0.750 litres
Engine ignition Self start or Handle recoil
Machine Dimension 1.Lenth=150cm 2.Width=1.75 to 3 feet 3.Hight= 3 feet
Ground clearance 1.25 feet
Speed ( No of gears ) Single forward walking speed to reduce mechanization, trouble free and safety, Less maintenance
Wheel base adjustment 1.75 to 3 feet adjustable according to crop row spacing for inter cultivation
Handel Adjustment Precise Adjustable
Machine weight 118 kg
Power transmission gear, chine and dog clutch (No belt Transmission to minimize transmission loss)
Turning radius 2.5 feet
Position control Easy left and right turning( left and right clutch)
Draw bar Screw and Handel control
PTO Shaf 3000 RPM
Accessories Single M B Plough, Ridgger, Single/Double row cultivator, Leveler
Attachment Disc harrow, Blade harrow, Seed drilling, Sprayer, Water Pump, Winnower
Extra attachment Chaff cutter, Power generator, Milking Machine, Concert Mixer, Fodder Mixer.
Field operation Primary Tillage, Secondary tillage, Paddling, Inter-cultivation, Spraying, Potato/Ground nut harvester, seed drill, Deweeding, leveling, bund formation, kurge,
Efficiency or Area cover deep Ploughing 4 to 5 liters of diesel /acres
Efficiency or area cover single/double row inter cultivation 3 to 4 acres per day
Machine Quality BIS Certifies
Implements specification M B Plough 10 to 25 cm depth and 15 to 30 cm width also adjustable